Monday 27 April 2009

Unveiling Forgotten Memories

This is an unsual story about an old medium format Lomo camera that was bought at a local street market almost 15 years ago. Apparently, after having being used to take a few shots the camera has been left on a shelf (still loaded with its film) where it collected dust for years.

What kind of results would you ever expect (if any) by developing that film after such a long time? Curious? Have a look!

The film (Fuji Super G 400) was developed in NOVA ProSpeed 41 chemicals @33°C for 5' 15''. On the left and right columns are reported the raw and colour restored (apparentely not a big deal) images respectively scanned using a CanoScan 8800F.
The moral of the story is: unlike wine film doesn't mature, it simply ages.

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